Informational Texts Part 4

Informational Texts Part 4

Analyzing Graphics

You may come across an informational text that uses graphics, such as a pie chart or bar graph. Here’s the best/easiest way to gain information from graphics:

  1. Read the label (tells you what the graph is about)
  2. Skim the graph (take note of any trends)
  3. Check the source (you want to make sure the graphic presents valid information)
  4. Consider how it supports the text (you will uncover the graphic’s purpose)

Paired Passages: Similar Theme

Expect paired passages on the HiSET Language Arts: Reading test. They fall into one of two categories: those on a similar theme and those offering opposing arguments. Let’s first look at similar theme paired passages.

Some things to note:

  • You will need to identify the shared idea between the passages.
  • Some questions will be about the individual passages, and other questions about how they relate to one another.
  • Challenging questions will ask you to synthesize information gained from both passages.

Paired Passages: Opposing Arguments

When it comes to paired opposing argument paired passages, here’s what you need to know:

  • Both passages will deal with the same topic.
  • The passages may discuss different evidence to draw unique conclusions.
  • The passages may discuss the same evidence but may still draw unique conclusions.
    • Don’t forget that an author’s bias about a topic can affect their point of view and tone.

Approach the passages with an open mind, and don’t let any personal bias influence your interpretation of the issues at hand. Fortunately, the passages shouldn’t deal with controversial topics wherein you’re likely to have any strong opinions.