Try our free HiSET Practice Test. As you are preparing for your high school equivalency test, you should work through as many practice questions as possible. Our tests will help you review your skills in math, reading, writing, and social studies. All of these online exam questions include answers and detailed explanations. Choose a topic and start your HiSET test prep now!
Free HiSET Practice Tests
HiSET Test
The HiSET Test is a high school equivalency test that can give you the credentials that you need for your career or for college. Passing the exam indicates that you have comparable knowledge and skills of a typical high school graduate. The ETS HiSET Exam is similar to the GED Test and the TASC Test, but it’s designed to be more flexible, more accessible, and more affordable. As of 2020, the HiSET is offered in the following states:
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wyoming
Generally you must be at least 18 years old to take the HiSET, but most states have provisons that allow 17 year-olds to take the test if they obtain a waiver. Certain states even allow students as young as 16 to take the test if several additional criteria are met. The exact requirements for each state are here.
The HiSET consists of 5 different subtests, covering the core subjects of the typical high school curriculum. The questions are all multiple choice except for one essay question. Students normally take the exam on a computer, but a paper version is available as well. The test is available in either English or Spanish. Here is an overview of each subtest:
- Reading: 40 Questions (65 Minutes)
- Writing: 50 Questions + 1 Essay (120 Minutes)
- Math: 50 Questions (90 Minutes)
- Science: 50 Questions (80 Minutes)
- Social Studies: 50 Questions (70 Minutes)
This is not an easy test, so make sure you do plenty of HiSET test prep. The most important thing is to work through as many practice questions as possible. You can start your test prep with our free HiSET practice test. You may also want to buy a study guide to review any topics that you find difficult. With enough practice you will pass your test on the first try!