Informational Texts Part 2

Informational Texts Part 2

Drawing Conclusions

When you examine the back of a bag of potato chips, you’ll likely see that a single serving has a lot of calories, fat, and salt. This information helps you conclude that the potato chips are not a healthy snack.

Similarly, in an informational text, you’ll need to read the entire thing to draw a conclusion – an idea you develop after absorbing all the information.

HINT: Make sure not to skip any part of the passage, even if you’re a master at skimming. If you do this, the conclusion you draw may not be correct.

Choosing the Right Word/Phrase

You’ve probably heard about synonyms – words that have the same or a similar meaning to other words. The large number of synonyms in the English language gives writers a powerful tool to convey their message. They may want to convey a particular emotion (e.g., worry, excitement, anticipation), or make their writing sound poetic.

Figurative language is another way writers enhance their writing. Here are five ways writers can use figurative language to make an impact and convey meaning.

Simile: Comparing two unalike things using ‘like’ or ‘as’.

  • My stomach felt as heavy as a boulder after eating all that pasta.”

Metaphor: Comparing two unalike things without using ‘like’ or ‘as’

  • She is a wizard when it comes to computer programming. She can make a fun computer game in less than a week!”

Allusion: A reference to a person, place, or event, or idea.

  • My teacher is a real dictator. She never lets anyone go to the bathroom!”

Idiom: A phrase where the conveyed meaning is not the same as the literal meaning.

  • I told my friend to break a leg before he performed in the play.”

Hyperbole: Using extreme exaggeration to make a point. 

  • I am so hungry that I could eat a horse!

Similes, metaphors, allusions, idioms, and hyperbole are things we pick up through daily conversation and reading books. They can be very tricky for English language learners, so consider yourself lucky that you grew up around them.

Identifying Point of View and Tone

An author’s point of view is how they feel about their subject. Many things affect a writer’s point of view, such as their education and life experiences.

Point of view affects an author’s tone, the attitude they express on the page.

What you should look out for on the HiSET Reading test is whether the author speaks about their subject in a neutral, positive, or negative way. Many scientific tests are written in a neutral way, as the author is trying to convey content without bias or emotion. However, many newspaper opinion writers use their conservative or liberal point of view to convey a positive/negative tone about their subject.

In short, focus on how the author treats their subject.

HINT: These tips are also great things to know when reading fiction!