Science Introduction

Science Introduction

Welcome to the HiSET science test study guide! In this guide, you will review content and strategies that will help you do your best on test day. That said, let’s jump in by examining the basics.

The HiSET Science Test  
Number of Multiple-Choice Questions 60
Time Limit 80 minutes

In other words, you have 1 minute and 20 seconds to answer each question. That may seem like a lot, but like other HiSET tests, the science test requires extensive reading and analysis. You’ll need to hone your time management skills to prepare for test day.

How does the content break down?

Content Area Approximate Number of Questions
Life Science 29
Physical Science 17
Earth Science 14

As you can see, the HiSET science test emphasizes Life Science (e.g., Biology) over Physical Science (e.g., Physics/Chemistry) and Earth Science (e.g., Geology/Astronomy). As a result, this guide will spend more time covering Life Science concepts. Even so, expect a thorough review of everything you need to know to continue preparing for test day.

Note: Like other parts of the HiSET, the science test features some experimental questions that do not affect your score. The test does not indicate which questions are experimental.